Tuesday, August 2, 2011

July 11, 2011 - Bacon Party!


A documentation of our probable cause-of-death.

 Off to school in a bit. The stamp of the event I went to the day before was still pretty visible. 
SYLV - So You Love Vandalism
I realize that that post should come before this one. HAHA oh well

Thought I was late for class again. Everyone's got their morning face ON.

 Ech, Bee, and Aldo's head.

Ech and I went to the OAS to reserve rooms for this workshop I'm heading for my org. Guuurrrrl, put yo shoes back on!

New shoes! 

 Had a bit of a rainy day


Went to Leong Hall to wait for Kiko + space wagon!

Off to Carlo's condo!!


Eloy is a model

Carlo + reflector action

Team mascot: Jenna Mae/Rocky (still deciding. which do you think is better?! hahaha)

 Carlo's room. It was tiny, but quaint! He sleeps on a double decker with his sister (who probably hates us)

Can't find another slipper. Oh well.

I'm on cooking duty!

Bacon spam ahead!
(mmmm spam)

Look at all that oiiiil. THAT can kill someone. I honestly did not put any oil in the pan.

Pile still building up

Cozy lighting

Yes, Bea. I like them twins.

Prepping the table! 

Ech taking a nap. SO JEALOUS.


Trying to curl up to get some rest. For some reason, the proportions of the bed and the mattress aren't a match so there's this uncomfortable gap on the other side. Hahahaha grruuurrrghghghhh

Bea cookin the eggggs

I made Eloy the octopus sausages. HEHE
PS Bea makes shitty looking eggs. But the middle is cooked to perfection. MM


ANNNND after a heart-clogging session of bacon-eating, we still want more.

This is what a heart attack looks like


I'm not high. Just filled with oil, grease, and bacon-filled goodness.

Cleaning up them dishes LIKE A WOMAN

See the gap????


Abby and Kiko arrive to cook more!

Carlo you creepy little shit D:

I LOVE Abby's hair.



"Stooop it Patis. STOOOP IIIT"


Shhhh baby shhhhh

Cookies are mine muthafuckas

 Now no one wants to eat the cookies. Hahahaha


I ate more. :<

Now, some milk. HEHE I kind of forced Carlo to give me some. HEHEHOHOEHHO

 Josh arrives to join in the fatal fun!

THAT is genuine happiness right right there.

Kiko... plate... use it....


I made an onigiri with bacon filling. Josh made me eat it whole. I don't know why I did it, but I did it.

GROSS :( :(
We dared Georgia to eat it.

Because she's always wrong.


I would do many things, but I will never do that. HUHU 
This is why I love Georgia in spite of her perpetual wrongness.

Just took a picture just to show you guys how ridiculous Carlo's signature is. Hahahahahahahahhahahah

And Josh crawls in. 
This is a visual interpretation of how bacon makes it's way into your body. :)

University's been tough. 
And hard.
And long.

Okay, I'll stop now

