Sunday, October 23, 2011

July 9, 2011 - Wall Lords 2011

 Haven't updated in MONTHS but it's because of the shit of work that was thrown at me this last semester. But that is DONE! I am on break so I have lots to catch-up on. 
I was initially planning on doing a quick catch-up, but I realised later on that I'd be wasting many photographs I took over my photoblog drought. So here's one that I skipped over when I posted the Bacon Party post a long time ago


Lou (Yoly's brother) is the one who heads the organizing of Wall Lords. It's this competition between graffiti crews who have passed the preliminary rounds of their respective regions. This year was the 2nd annual Wall Lords and Yoly made us man the registration booth + take pictures. 
Oh god, I love the smell of spray can fumes. HEHE
